Red Velvet Valentines Bouquet
Behold the captivating allure of a red bouquet, a timeless masterpiece of love ❤️
Sitting amongst the darker shades of greenery you will find a mixture of red Roses, red Germini’s, Hypercium berries, Blooms and Lilies. Perfect for igniting sparks on a first date, celebrating years of togetherness, or simply saying, “You make my heart bloom” ❤️
We kindly ask for at least one working day between the order date and the delivery date. This will allow us to properly prepare and arrange your flowers to meet your expectations.
Behold the captivating allure of a red bouquet, a timeless masterpiece of love ❤️
Sitting amongst the darker shades of greenery you will find a mixture of red Roses, red Germini’s, Hypercium berries, Blooms and Lilies. Perfect for igniting sparks on a first date, celebrating years of togetherness, or simply saying, “You make my heart bloom” ❤️
We kindly ask for at least one working day between the order date and the delivery date. This will allow us to properly prepare and arrange your flowers to meet your expectations.
Behold the captivating allure of a red bouquet, a timeless masterpiece of love ❤️
Sitting amongst the darker shades of greenery you will find a mixture of red Roses, red Germini’s, Hypercium berries, Blooms and Lilies. Perfect for igniting sparks on a first date, celebrating years of togetherness, or simply saying, “You make my heart bloom” ❤️
We kindly ask for at least one working day between the order date and the delivery date. This will allow us to properly prepare and arrange your flowers to meet your expectations.